Register for Late Winter Learn to Skate Classes
(February 6 - April 26)
Semesters are now 10 weeks!
The Rinks - Yorba Linda ICE has group classes for all ages and abilities. Even if you have never skated previously, there is an entry level class just perfect for you. These sessions are open to youth and adult participants of all skill levels, with classes tailored to general skating, figure skating, and hockey paths. Space is limited and spots fill quick. View more information below and secure your spot!
Join the Learn to Skate interest list to receive information on upcoming sessions.
Late Winter Session Dates (10 Week Courses):
- Thursdays: February 6, 13, 20 & 27; March 13 & 20; April 3, 10, 17 & 24
- Saturdays: February 8, 15 & 22; March 1, 15 & 22; April 5, 12, 19 & 26
- There are no classes on March 6, 8, 27 & 29
Cost: $240 for 10 Week Session - $24 per class includes 30 minutes ice time & group instruction and practice / Public Session passes that can be used for the participant and/or family/friend!
For assistance with determining your correct “class level,” or to request an evaluation, please contact your Skating Lead, Shari Jude, for assistance. sjude@therinks.com
Registration opens Monday, January 20 at 5:00 p.m.
REGISTER HEREOff Ice Classes (6-15 Years)
- Strength - Basic 1-5
$120 for 10 Week Session of Off-Ice Classes - does not include practice passes
Off ice classes are held in the Ballet Room
On Ice Classes
Youth Skating Classes (4-16 Years)
Note: Skaters must wear figure skates for the below classes. No hockey skates are allowed.
Basic 1:
- Sit and stand up, on-ice
- March forward, then glide on two feet (3 seconds)
- Dip while moving (2 seconds)
- Forward Swizzles (6 in a row, with a two-foot glide in between)
- Backward Wiggles
- Beginning snowplow stop, in place (right and left)
Basic 2 (must pass Basic 1 or Snowplow 3):
- Scooter pushes (right and left)
- Forward one-foot glides (right and left, 2 seconds)
- Rocking Horse
- Backward Swizzles (6 in a row, with a two-foot glide in between)
- Two foot turns in place (both directions)
- Moving forward snowplow stop (right and left)
Basic 3 (must pass Basic 2):
- Beginning forward stroking
- Forward half Swizzle pumps on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise, 6 in a row)
- Moving forward to backward two-foot turns on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise)
- Forward Slalom (both feet in the same direction at the same time)
- Forward pivots (clockwise and counterclockwise)
Basic 4 (must pass Basic 3):
- Forward outside edge on a circle from pumps (right and left, 3 seconds)
- Beginning two-foot upright spin from pivot (1 revolution)
- Forward crossovers (clockwise and counterclockwise)
- Backward half Swizzle pumps on a circle (clockwise and counterclockwise)
- Backward one-foot glides (right and left, 2 seconds)
Basic 5 (must pass Basic 4):
- Backward outside edge on a circle from pumps (right and left, 3 seconds)
- Backward crossovers (clockwise and counterclockwise)
- Forward outside three-turn (right and left, 2 seconds before and after the turn)
- Advanced two-foot upright spin from pivot (3 revolutions)
- Side toe hop (right and left)
Basic 6 (must pass basic 5):
- Forward inside three-turn (right and left, 2 seconds before and after the turn)
- One-foot upright spin from pivot (2 revolutions)
- Bunny hop (right and left)
- Forward spiral on a straight line (free leg knee above the hip, 2 seconds)
- Forward lunge on a straight line (skating leg parallel, 2 seconds)
- Basic 1
- Ages 3-6
- Ages 7-15
- Basic 2
- Basic 3
- Basic 4
- Basic 5
- Basic 6
- Basic 3
- Basic 4
- Basic 5
- Basic 6
- Basic 1
- Ages 3-6
- Ages 7-15
- Basic 2
Youth Hockey Classes (4-16 Years)
Note: Skaters must wear hockey skates for the below classes. No figure skates are allowed.
Beginner Hockey/Hockey 1:
- This class is designed to teach skaters who want to play hockey how to skate forward, backward, and stopping. Skaters can wear gear for class but it is not required. If students are new to skating, it is recommended that they complete Basic 1 before joining Beginner Hockey.
Intermediate Hockey (Must pass Hockey 1):
- C Cuts
- Hockey Stops
- Beginning Crossovers
- This class is taught by a Hockey Power Skating Specialist
Advanced Hockey (Must pass Intermediate Hockey):
- Skaters must have mastered the skills in Intermediate Hockey. Curriculum in Advanced Hockey will advance as skaters continue to progress. This class is taught by a Hockey Power Skating Specialist.
- Hockey Beginner
- Hockey Intermediate
- Hockey Advanced
Adult Classes (17+ Years)
- Adult Skating Skills
- Adult Skating Skills
- Beginner & Intermediate
- Learn to Skate USA membership is required for all classes. Membership for July 1st, 2024 through June 30th, 2025 is $16.
- You may make-up THREE missed classes in the same level on a different day / time. To redeem these three make-up classes, please check in at the Program Office and tell them you are doing a make-up class. Your will receive a make-up sticker.
- Included in your Session Fee is 8 practice/public session passes that can be used for the participant and/or family/friend. To redeem these passes, check-in at the front desk on the day/time of the Public Session and ask to use a "Learn to Skate Practice Pass." These 8 practice/public session passes EXPIRE at the end of the session
- Login to customer account
- Proceed with registration for desired program(s)
- When finished registering for your programs, checkout of the shopping cart
- If there is a credit on your account, it will appear as an option to use for payment
- Confirm the amount that you want to apply
- Click USE CREDIT and complete the transaction
More Information
For more information, contact:
Yorba Linda ICE Program Office
714.692.8776 ext. 10
Yorba Linda ICE Skating Manager – Shari Jude
The Rinks Figure Skating Director – Alex Chang